PRAISE-HK-EXP App Launching Ceremony

On 24 November 2021, we released the “PRAISE-HK-EXP App” – a new mobile app that helps users analyze their personal air pollution exposure budget, from outdoor, indoor, to different micro-environments including various modes of transportation, so that they can better manage their exposure to air pollution.




At the App Launching Ceremony, we are honoured to have invited Prof. Wei SHYY, President, HKUST, Mr. ZHANG Hui Feng, Regional Head, Corporate Sustainability, Asia Pacific, HSBC and Mr. WONG Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR, as our Officiating Guests with opening speeches to kick off the Ceremony.



The Ceremony was followed by a thoughtful discussion, moderated by Prof. Christine LOH, Chief Development Strategist, Division of Environment and Sustainability, HKUST, namely “Air Pollution Exposure & Health Forum”. Prof. Alexis LAU, Project coordinator & Principal investigator of PRAISE-HK; Director of the Institute for the Environment, HKUST, together with Mr. CHAN Wing Kai, Chairman, Hong Kong Asthma Society, Ms. YEUNG Sau Fung, Principal, Carmel Bunnan Tong Memorial Secondary School, Prof. Xiang-qian LAO, Associate Professor, the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK and Dr. Kenneth LEUNG, Assistant Director (Air Policy), HKEPD, shared the sweet spot of how technological integrations are pushing actions forward, where the community can benefit from the development of air science and management.




Media Coverage of PRAISE-HK-EXP App

21.11.25 – RTHK Radio 3 – Backchat: Air Quality
21.11.25 – RTHK Radio 3 (Hong Kong Today) – App gives personalised pollution exposure
21.07.26 – 經濟通 – 鼻敏感救星!科大空氣質素App年底加入新功能!「路線建議」幫你避開空氣污染高危地區!
21.07.26 – SCMP – Escape the bad air: Hong Kong scientist develops app that lets users plan routes to avoid pollution
21.07.26 – HK01 – 科大空氣質素App教路點行避開空氣污染 今年底加路線建議功能
21.07.26 – TOPick –【空氣污染】科大環境研究所推手機應用程式 建議接觸較少空氣污染出行路線
21.07.26 – 星島日報 A11 | 港聞 – 科大「空氣風險」程式 「教路」避開污染物 實時街道監察 分析烏煙瘴氣
21.07.26 – HKET – 科大空氣質素App 擬推用戶建議出行路綫
21.07.26 – 香港經濟日報 – A24 | 港聞 | by 黃悅晴 科大空氣質素App 擬推用戶建議出行路綫
21.07.26 – – 科大推手機程式 可測用家2米範圍內48小時空氣污染變化
21.07.26 – 東方日報A10 | 港聞 – 可預知用家兩米內 未來48小時變化 科大App監測空氣 料年底推出
21.07.26 – 頭條日報 – 科大「空氣風險」程式 「教路」避開污染物
21.07.26 – 文匯網 – 科大研APP可測用家2米內空氣質素年底推出
21.07.21 – 香港商業電台 1 – 人民大道中 – 科技大學PRAISE-HK應用程式,究竟點樣計算全港每條街道空氣污染程度?


Download Press Kit materials:
(1) Press release, (2) App interface images, and (3) Launching Ceremony photos


Download PRAISE-HK-EXP App




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